مكتبة وأرشيف

د عدلي الهواري

للمساهمة في التراكم المعرفي وتعزيز التفكير النقدي

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آرلين الصايغ

رسالة من آرلين الصايغ أرملة فايز الصايغ، أحد مؤسسي مركز الأبحاث الفلسطيني، وله مؤلفات عدة حول القضية الفلسطينية، إلى الطلبة الفلسطينيين في الولايات المتحدة بعد تأسيس فرع الاتحاد عام 1980، تحثهم فيها على السير على درب زوجها الفقيد الذي توفي في 9 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 1980.

مقتطف مترجم من الرسالة:

"زوجي الراحل، د. فايز صايغ، كان أب منظمة الطلبة العرب في الولايات المتحدة. قبل سنوات عديدة –قبل أن يولد بعضكم– أمضى ليالي طويلة متعبة حتى ساعات الصباح الباكر وهو يخطط، مع طلبة عرب متفانين، [لتأسيس] منظمة طلابية يمكن أن تحمل رسالة مأساة فلسطين إلى الجامعات الأميركية."

النص الكامل بالإنجليزية تحت الصورة.

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رسالة من آرلين الصايغ إلى طلبة فلسطين
Dr. Fayez A. Sayegh

January 11, 1922 – December 9, 1980

A Message to the Palestinian Students in the United States

From Arlene Sayegh, Widow of the Late Dr Fayez Sayegh

My late husband, Dr. Fayez Sayegh, was the father of the Organization of Arab Students in the United States. Many years ago - - - before some of you were born - - - he spent long, tiring nights, until the early morning hours, planning, with dedicated Arab students, a student organization which might carry the message of the tragedy of Palestine to the campuses of America.

Under his leadership, the organization was born. It grew rapidly, as individual chapters were established across the United States. When they met once a year for their national convention, the students relied on Dr. Sayegh to be their keynote speaker. He never failed them. Wherever he was, and however busy he was, he always took time to attend the convention and deliver his inspiring message. A portion of our honeymoon in 1960 was spent at the Arab Students’ convention in Washington, D. C.

Dr. Sayegh was a humanitarian; he was a great Palestinian patriot; he was a meticulous scholar; he was a loving husband and father. But, above all, he was a teacher. To all those who would listen and learn, he gave freely of his time, his knowledge, his wisdom, and his vision.

I say to each of you: “You are the new generation of Palestinians. You are the heirs to a just cause. Carry on the fight! Study and learn from the written works Dr. Sayegh left behind. Miss no opportunity to spread the truth. Tell the story of your people in every city and in every hamlet in America. Let your efforts be a as ceaseless and as devoted as were those of Dr. Sayegh. Let the voice of Palestine be heard, that this magnificent human being, this distinguished Palestinian, Dr. Fayez Sayegh, shall not have died in vain.”

اضغط/ي على السهم الأحمر لتحميل الرسالة بصيغة بي دي اف.

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سهم التحميل
