Jordan: A Democratic Audit
Acronyms and List of Interviews
Dr. Adli Hawwari
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ACC = Anti-Corruption Commission in Jordan
AFP = Agence France-Presse (French News Agency)
AI = Amnesty International
AVC = Audio-Visual Commission in Jordan
CDFJ = Centre for Defending Freedom of Journalists in Jordan
CEDAW = Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CSO = Civil Society Organisation
CSS = Centre for Strategic Studies in Jordan
DFLP = Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
EIU = Economist Intelligence Unit
FDW = Foreign Domestic Workers
FH = Freedom House
GCC = Gulf Cooperation Council
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
GNP = Gross National Product
Hamas = Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine
HoD = House of Deputies (Lower house of Jordanian parliament)
HoN = House of Notables (Senate; upper house of Jordanian parliament)
HRW = Human Rights Watch
IAF = Islamic Action Front Party in Jordan
ICC = International Criminal Court
IDEA = International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
IMF = International Monetary Fund
JD = Jordanian Dīnār (Jordan’s currency: US$1.3)
JPA = Jordanian Press Association
MB = Muslim Brothers Society
MDW = Migrant and Domestic Workers
MP = Member of Parliament
NSP = National Socialist Party in Jordan (1950s)
PFLP = Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
PLO = Palestine Liberation Organisation
PM = Prime Minister
UNSC = United Nations Security Council
List of Interviews
Taher al-Masri (4 January 2009)
Abd al-Latif ‛Arabiyyat (7 June 2009)
Hammam Sa‛id (13 April 2008)
Hamza Mansour (20 November 2010)
Zaki Bani Irshaid (14 April 2008)
Ibrahim Zaid al-Kilani (16 March 2010)
Asma Khader (19 April 2008)
Na’ela al-Rashdan (13 June 2009)
Toujan Faysal (6 June 2009)
Adab al-Su‛ud (7 June 2009)
Rohile Gahraybeh, (8 April 2010)
Samih al-Ma‛ayta (23 June 2009)
Hayfa’ al-Bashir (24 June 2009)
Nawal al-Fa‛ouri (9 March 2010)
Hayat al-Msaimi (25 March 2010)
‛Abla Abu ‛Elbeh (11 November 2010)
Emily Nafa‛ (18 November 2010)
‛Abed Shakhanbeh (25 March 2010)
‛Azzam al-Hunaidy (23 March 2010)
Heyam Damra (7 April 2008)
Fahd al-Rimawi (14 April 2008)
Ahmad Ismail Nofal (23 April 2008)
Wahdan ‛Iwais (8 June 2009)
Adli Hawwari (2020). Reluctant Liberalisation: A Democratic Auditzzzzz of Jordan, 1989-2019. London: Ud Al -Nad Ltd.
- Jordan: A Democratic Audit